By now you’ve undoubtedly seen the headlines that Google and as many as two dozen other technology companies came under attack by a coordinated hacking effort launched from China.  That’s interesting on many levels, not the least of which is that information technology and information — even about or maybe especially about individuals is an overripe ripe intelligence target.

Computer security is more critical than ever

Google may in fact take its ball and go home, packing it up in China if the company feels government restrictions there are onerous.  That’s interesting, and you probably should know about the issue which is why I included a link, but the big news is what the Chinese hack attack means for your Gmail account. Google has announced that the previously optional security setting that allowed users to use Gmail on unencrypted pages is no more.  The new default is encryption for Gmail, which means that users will soon be accessing an https: prefix.   This matters to you because it means your email from point A to point B just got much more secure, which is a good thing.   As the new article says, secure Gmail is rolling out in waves to the entire Gmail population, but I’ve already seen it on my main account. That doesn’t mean that Google itself doesn’t know exactly what you’re searching for and writing about.  Don’t ever believe that.   And don’t believe that your searching, browsing, writing and other activities are invisible.  Law enforcement and other entities can and do regularly subpoena this information from Google and every company I can think of dealing with data.    We even include a line in the terms of service for our e-commerce clients that gives the client the right to cooperate with law enforcement. Google published some good computer security guidelines along with the changes.    Take a look and make sure you’re protected.

The party's over - here's your back to work checklist

Welcome back to work.    We all have files and little things that must be updated each year.    I won’t even presume to guess what spreadsheets or documents need to be updated at your place.

Here is a checklist as 2009 flips over to 2010.

  • Change the copyright date on your customer-facing websites.  Nothing says dated like a 3 year old copyright footer.
  • Check your web forms.  If any of them (or your paper forms) were configured as 200_, last week was a good time to change them.
  • A new tax year has started.  Talk with your tax consultant or accountant, but if you were supposed to change your withholding or take any payroll actions, you should be dealing with that issue now.
  • My personal favorite for businesses with more than a handful of employees.  Every application that can be logged in from outside (even a blog) should be scrubbed for user name entries and passwords for former contractors, vendors and employees.  You should regularly do this, but using the beginning of the year as a double-check is a good reminder.