SPOTLIGHT: Target’s Social Media Challenge, Google Updates Ad Settings


There was lots of news about a man who posted troll-like (but hysterical) Facebook comments to people complaining about a new policy. I thought that the way Target handled things was worthy of further probing and was moved to write a blog post–on a Saturday, no less.

Plus, read how to get out of Google’s interest-based ads, see the ad that got Bic in hot water, and read about the New York Times automating journalism (again).

And that is what you need to know for this week without the hype.


Target Wins Social Media Challenge | Silver Beacon

Department store company Target could easily have blown this social media challenge when a non-employee began telling off vocal protestors over a new policy. We don’t post our own stuff a lot, but this is a great case study.

The New York Times built a Slack bot to help decide which stories to post to social media

The bot, named Blossom, helps predict how stories will do on social media and also suggests which stories editors should promote. The trend is many years old, but the results are stunning for the stories it predicts.

Google Updates Ad Settings
Google Updates Ad Settings

This is a worthy read because of the many illustrations. Google now tracks you when you’re logged in or logged out. There is a 3 step proces that helps you control this. Bottom line: you can opt-out of Google’s “interest-based” ads by following instructions. You’ll still see ads. They just won’t be targeted to your behavior.


Bic Apologizes for Women's Day Ad That Mostly Just Made Women Furious
Bic Apologizes for Women’s Day Ad That Mostly Just Made Women Furious

This is normally a funny or great ad, but wow, did Bic mess up—-AGAIN. Bic continues to have trouble talking to women. The pen maker, which was the object of ridicule a few years ago for its absurd “Bic for Her” pens, failed spectacularly in South Africa this week, posting a tone-deaf ad on social media for national women’s day that drew swift criticism—and soon led to an apology.

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