SPOTLIGHT: Facebook Video Engagement, Pinterest User Base Soars


Are you using videos on Facebook? New data shows you should because engagement doubles over plain text updates. Facebook is still the reigning social media site, but Pinterest just announced that it now generates 100 million unique user visits each month. Pinterest may not be for you, but 100 million of anything demands you consider the option. And if you’re using a free version ofAVG anti-virus software, the company is warning that it can sell browsing history (without your personal identification) starting next month.

And that is what you need to know for this week without the hype.

News You Should Know

Facebook Post Types Examined and Video Wins
Facebook Post Types Examined and Video Wins

Links & images make up the majority of Facebook’s content, but VIDEOS (not video links, but uploaded videos) receive 23% more engagements that images and more than double those of plain status messages.

AVG Privacy Policy Changed So Your Browing Data Can Be Sold

You may want to consider moving to paid anti-virus software after AVG announced that it will start selling “aggregate” browsing information for its free product.

Pinterest Announces 100 Million Monthly Active User Accounts

Pinterest reached a big milestone with their announcement of 100 million active accounts each month. The site continues growing as more people find unique uses for what is essentially a social bookmarking site. Does your organization have a Pinterest strategy, and if not, would creating one also create profit?

Ad of the Week

Nike Recreated the Toga Party From Animal House With Famous Univ of Oregon Alums
Nike Recreated the Toga Party From Animal House With Famous Univ of Oregon Alums

You only need to have liked the movie Animal House to appreciate this. You may reognize 1 or 2, but you’ll get credits Animal House-style after the commercial runs.

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