SPOTLIGHT – Yahoo Backs Down Microsoft, Google Search Goes Mobile-Friendly

Today’s Spotlight

Yahoo! and Microsoft got their deal done, but not before Yahoo got a concession to serve 50% of its traffic with its own search results. What search results? Exactly.

Meanwhile the deadline for Google’s algorithm change is Tuesday. Why make such a fuss? One Googler says the impact on search results will be bigger than the company’s famous Panda and Peguin changes combined. And Google is also dropping website domain names on mobile devices in lieu of their “real site name”. No more Now it’s Wikipedia. This one could surprise lots of folks.

And that is what you need to know this week without the hype.

News You Should Know

Microsoft and Yahoo Make Radical Changes to Agreement

A new deal between Microsoft and Yahoo will allow Yahoo to deliver its own search results. Don’t forget Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer is an early search expert from Google.

Google’s Mobile Friendly Algo Will Only Affect the “Ten Blue Links” & Not Advertising

Google revealed that local pack results are not affected by the new mobile friendly ranking algorithm that is due to arrive on April 21. Those 10 blue “organic” (aka natural) links on a Google search result? Yep, those will be. HUGE CHANGE.

Google Mobile Search Drops URL For Site Name & Breadcrumb Navigation

Google announced this week that the mobile search results are no longer going to display your site’s domain name in the search snippet. Instead it will display the Site Name. HUGE CHANGE #2.


Moms Clean Air Force Scores with Dollar Store Toxics Article

Science and health writer Molly Rauch exposed dangerous products at “dollar store” locations writing at Moms CAF just a few weeks ago. Since then, tens of thousands of people read her work and are discussing the issue, including Woman’s Day, which has approached Rauch about writing for them too.


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