Toyota wins Father’s Day with the long-form commercials they released this week. And Twitter was on Silver Beacon’s radar, but not for the reasons you might have heard. The social media company said it would increase direct message limits in July and allow advertisers (like us!) to begin targeting people based on what smartphone apps they have. But advertisers should remain careful about disclosures. The Federal Trade Commission updated its online advertising guidance for the first time in five years.

And that is what you need to know for this week without the hype.

News You Should Know

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App of the Week


Thought Google made hundreds of changes to its secret search rankings each year? Now the search giant says the number is thousands. One change that won’t be happening is to Google Wallet, which holds a 4 to 1 lead over Apple Pay. Most top merchants say they won’t be adding Apple Pay soon. Meanwhile, Facebook’s Messenger app won’t automatically report if you’re at one of those top merchants or anywhere else anymore. .

And that is what you need to know for this week without the hype.

News You Should Know

Ad of the Week


App of the Week


Someone on Instagram just made a lot of money selling what was mostly other people’s work. There’s also news that Microsoft phone scam is starting to be prevalent again, and Google says that the number of people searching for things “near me” while using their phone is skyrocketing.

And that is what you need to know for this week without the hype.

News You Should Know

Ad of the Week

App of the Week