One of the most attractive characteristics of Google Chrome when it launched in 2009 was its speed.  Everyone I knew had already added enough plugins to Firefox to choke the browser as it tried to load.  Even worse, Firefox add-ons, which the industry now calls plugins or apps, were an integral part of the browser’s loading time.  A misbehaving program was enough to crash your browser, potentially losing work and certainly losing time.  By comparison, Google Chrome seemed mysteriously sleek, like a racehorse running on an empty track early in the morning.  Even better was the way Chrome handled crashes for its extensions, allowing one part of the program to crash while keeping the browser intact.

I vowed to never add so much baggage to Chrome to cause the program to lag.   And I’ve been fairly faithful, pruning unused extensions whenever they’re unused.  That cyber-take on the “stop sending the report and see who complains”  has kept Chrome running fast.   The time to launch Chrome on my system, the only one I care about, is about 3 seconds.   Firefox typically runs 5-6 seconds unless it’s updating an add-on, and Microsoft’s Internet Explorer was apparently tested for speed using a sundial.   That’s one takeaway for you as a small business leader:  it’s nice to know how software and machines perform in magazine testing, but you should ultimately care about how they perform in your office.

Since then, Big Thinking has published a list of must-have Google Chrome Extensions with a short explanation of each.  The list was divided last year into extensions for everyone and extensions for marketers, and that’s still a method that works well for me and readers who have commented.   Since the first list in December 2009, only StumbleUpon has been on the list each time, but the venerable page recommendation engine is on my endangered list because I know I’m not using the tool very often any longer.  Whether the lack of use is due to lack of time or burnout after years is irrelevant because it will be uninstalled if still aboard Chrome when it’s time for this summer’s list.

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Facebook is for people you used to know. LinkedIn is for people from work. And Twitter is for people you want to know.

That was the secret sauce of connection types using social media from television guru Jerry Ferguson at Fairfax County’s Channel 10.  We shared a laugh over it at the time, but as I continued using all three, they did seem to cluster that way.   There is overlap, of course, and a broom closet full of sweeping generalizations, but there is a lot of truth there too. Jerry’s joke, shared during a committee meeting for a non-profit, made me think a lot about the way we use web services.

Reviewing The Social Network on a movie site we run, I wrote that it’s no longer enough to simply say that Google is the cluster of sites providing us utility (searches, email, maps, data) while Facebook is the site that provides fun (chats, messaging, games, apps). Both companies are fascinating because of their attempts to diversify. Facebook already is a substantial search engine in its own right and is rumored to have a new communications platform ready to roll.  Google, meanwhile, is supposedly hard at work on socializing the organization even more after the failures of the standalone Orkut and integrated Buzz.

All of this brought my thinking to Big Thinking for Small Business and what this blog might be used for.  I talked with coaches and developers, equity holders and designers.  The issue really boils down to the audience for this blog, which is something Sara and I thought was defined a long time ago. We don’t want to be your breaking news source although we will tell you when there is online marketing news that might change your organization.  And we don’t want to be a how-to primer either.  Many good sites do both things well.

Instead, Big Thinking for Small Business is intended for the very people Silver Beacon Marketing serves–small businesses and non-profits.  We write for our clients, partners and corporate friends. We write about search engines, online marketing, advertising and even some things that can help you earn more profit. Starting March 1, we’ll integrate even more with Facebook and use their commenting section.  We’ll feature more guest bloggers, more reference pieces, more academic work and more content that will help you run your business. Our WordPress tutorials, previously open just for clients, will be open to everyone. We believe that any business can effectively compete in any market in the world.  Read along with us and we’ll show you how.   This is the next iteration of the Big Thinking for Small Business blog, Big Thinking 2.0 if you will, and we look forward to your comments and guidance on how it can help your organization.

Image: Shannon David French

Back in November, we wrote about the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) going after an ambulance company for firing an employee over Facebook comments she made about the company and another employee.

Avoiding a letter from a federal agency like the NLRB is enough to justify an attorney’s expense.   I had the opportunity recently to consult with a local tech company on their employee handbook, but even a big document like that isn’t effective insulation.  The feds decided in in this instance that the company’s rules regarding all the after-hours activity like Facebook and blogging were too broad.  This was a case where the decision was justified by the company’s internal documents that the US government decided was unacceptable.

Your takeaway as a small business leader is that the company involved in this issue is not a small business, but a company with a billion in annual revenue.  The Internet and globalization is already democratizing the playing field between small and big business.   Don’t give away your advantage by not working with an attorney.  This company will keep rolling.  Yours may not faced with a similar financial settlement.

Source:  “Why You Should Consult…“, Silver Beacon Marketing, 11/4/10
Source:  “Settlement Reached…“,, 2/8/11