I worked with a client this week who told me that a vendor had access to her site at one point, but didn’t any longer. That wasn’t quite true. He actually had admin access to everything including her account and email at the host. I cleaned it up, added credentials for us and told her to change the passwords.
The experience made me think about analytics so I checked some accounts we use when we need access to a client’s analytics. On one account, 4 of the 25 analytics profiles were for former clients. A second showed 3 more, including someone we worked three years ago. If you use Google Analytics in your business, you must have admin access. Look at the “Overview” page. In the bottom panel, in the middle, is a section called “User Manager” (click the image below for a better look). You need to look at that information now — today — and revoke the access of anyone who doesn’t need the information. Old vendors is a good place to start. Do it now. If you make a mistake, adding a person back takes less than 30 seconds.