SPOTLIGHT: Mobile Marketing Rules, Ads for Local Businesses


We know you love the different links about online marketing, and we don’t often publish generic stats pieces, but it’s worth your time to read how much mobile has grown in content, purchases, long form content, time on the device and more. We said to people “you can’t ignore social media”. Now we say to people, “do not ignore mobile”.

And while you’re not ignoring social media, take note that Facebook is testing a “Buy” button and a “Sell” button. You knew that Facebook business pages would one day offer ecommerce. Here is another test.

And as Facebook enters eBay’s market, Google is entering the local service market in yet another way. If you run a local business, you must read today’s second article.

And that is what you need to know for this week without the hype.


15 Mind-Blowing Stats About Mobile Marketing – This is Critical Data, Says George

Mobile marketing is a must-have strategy, but the facts show that rules about mobile engagement have changed. Here’s what you need to know.

Google Enters Home Services Market With New Ads Test

Ads for locksmiths and plumbers are now appearing on some queries in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Facebook Testing Buy & Sell Button
Facebook Testing Buy & Sell Button

Look out, eBay and craigslist: Here comes Facebook.

Google’s standing up to France on the ‘right to be forgotten’

Google warns that giving France what it wants could lead to global censorship.


Letters To Dad - Paper & Packaging Board
Letters To Dad – Paper & Packaging Board

What do you do when you miss a dad who’s far away? The Paper & Packaging Board does a sweet spot on retro handwritten letters with a little boy and a soldier/father deployed somewhere. Sweet and simple still works.

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