YOU Change The World Today – Blog Action Day 2010

Note: This post was revised on February 19, 2016 to correct the link to Blog Action Day, who is now run by The Voice Blogging Project, instead of We still encourage taking part in this annual project and donating to

Every October 15, the online community celebrates Blog Action Day, an opportunity to focus all the noise, all the chatter to one specific topic.


On this fourth anniversary, the theme is water.

Drinking water.



I always look to my friends at (disclosure: no relationship, they’re just good) for charitable ideas.  They’ve told me about a very great portfolio of charitable projects called THE SAFER WORLD FUND.  Working with the family and friends of 9/11 victims, The Safer World Fund is a group of amazing charities to which you can donate.

I want to especially call your attention to the project.

Food & Medical Services For Pakistan Flood Victims

This is one of the charitable efforts selected by the 9/11 family and friends group.   They are only $12,000 away from their goal.  A $100 donation provides water and food for a family for an entire month!

This Blog Action Day, I want you to take care of one of those families.  When you do, Silver Beacon Marketing has a gift for you.  Send a copy of your receipt to    Everything good should go around and we’ll give your organization our $1000 site audit at no charge for your $100 donation.

Tax deduction for you.

Amazing marketing analysis from us.

And a family whose lives have been devastated by floods in Pakistan, will be able to eat and to live.

Your donation will keep them alive.

Watch the video below for all of 3 minutes and then head to the donation link.  Email us a copy of your receipt and we’ll schedule a call to go over logistics next week.

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